This past fall, we finally finished painting and decorating our living room and dining room. It only took us 4 years! When we moved into the house, they were both completely empty for quite a while. I'm no interior decorator, but I thought I'd post the final results. Any decorator's out there, feel free to give me advice.
In December, I had some medical things happen with me which has made us postpone our next child for a while. My doctor called me at home one day and said, "I'm not telling you that you should probably wait a while to get pregnant, I'm telling you, you NEED to wait." He says I need to wait six months before we try for another child, while other things I read say to wait at least one year. I have always wanted my children about 3 years apart, but obviously Heavenly Father had a different plan. Callie will be at least 4+ years old by the time our 3rd child could come along. Part of me is sad that things didn't go as WE planned, but that's okay. I am looking forward to the positive aspects of it such as: getting Callie potty trained so we can be diaper free, no more toting around a diaper bag like I have for the last 5+ years, and a little free time to myself when Callie will go to preschool in the fall and Colton will be in all day kindergarten. I appear to be perfectly healthy at this time and have faith that this will continue. My dear sweet husband was so wonderful through everything. He finished up all the christmas shopping, made and passed out salsa to all the neighbors, sent out the christmas cards, took great care of the kids, and did anything else I asked him to do. I love you Nate! I was hoping to send out a little letter with our christmas cards, but that didn't happen with everything else we had go on. Maybe this coming year we will be more on top of things!